Create your first meeting

During the previous step, you have learned to log into GoodMeeting and discovered the dashboard.

You may have seen some meetings from colleagues, or the dashboard was empty. So, let’s prepare your first meeting.

By using the navigation menu, navigate to “New meeting”.


Then, you will be able to see this view:

MeetingCreationViewThis is the wizard which will guide and help you to create a meeting.

To create a meeting, you will need to provide some information:

  1. Add to a chain: is this meeting part of a chain (a set) of meetings that you want to group together (in this case, you will be able to access to a synthesis for the chain of meeting, which will allow you to see all meetings for this chain, all topics etc.)
  2. Set up a series: will this meeting be repeated at a fixed frequency (every day, week, month or year) with partially identical content?
  3. Name of the meeting (required): basically, how do you want to call this meeting.
  4. Description: if you want to provide a general description for this meeting.
  5. Start time (required): Date and time of the start of the meeting
  6. End time (required): Time of the end of the meeting
  7. Location (required): where is this meeting going to take place?
  8. Select users: select all users who will attend this meeting (you don’t have to include yourself)
  9. Import group: import several users at once from a group (e.g. teamABC on MS Teams)

MeetingCreationViewFilledWhen you are ready, click on the “Next” button to continue.

(Facultative) If you have enabled “Add to a chain”

You will be asked to configure the chain of meeting.

Is it a new chain?

Click on the first toggle button.

Then fill the name with the chain name (required) and the description.


Then click on "Next" button.

Is it an existing chain?


Click on the field “Chain of meetings” and you can start typing to search your chain.

When you see it, just click on it!

Then, click on the “Next” button.

(Facultative) If you have enabled “Setup a serie”

You will be asked to configure the serie.
You can select the repetition frequency (daily, weekly, monthly or yearly) and the day of the week if necessary.

You must select an end date after which the meetings will not repeat.


Create the topics you will discuss

Topics are the subjects that will be discussed during the meeting.

Creating a topic allows you to organize and structure a meeting.

During or after the meeting, you can summarize the key points of the topic in a conclusion.

i You need to create at least one topic.

One final step


You will see a summary of your meeting with the main information.

If it suits you, you will have two choices: create as planned, or create as draft.

i “Create as planned” will make the meeting (and its topics, polls, tasks) visible and will send an email invitation to the participants.
"Create as draft" will keep the meeting visible only to you. You can change its status to "planned" later.

Congratulations! You’ve created your first meeting.
