Your meeting is about to start or has already taken place?
It’s time to write the report!
Click on the “Write report” button, in the top right corner.
It will open you the reporter view.
On this view, you have the list of all topics on the right.
Click on a topic to navigate.
You will be able to see the description of this topic “Objectives”, and then you can start writing the conclusion of your meeting.
In the conclusion you have the possibility to add inline images. To add images click on the image icon and add the image via url link with specific size configuration.
The width can be in px or %.
Press confirm to add the image.
i The conclusion is saved automatically.
When you are done with a topic, click the “Done” button.
You will be able to see, on the right panel, the remaining topics to conclude. The topics that are “Done” have a full red dot, while the others are white.
i You can navigate through topics by clicking on the dot near the topic title.